Student Spotlight: Rachel Zhang, Drum Major #57

The drum major is the beholder of a legacy of leadership, tradition, and an enthusiasm unknown to mankind. Band 125 is pleased to announce the new 2022-2023 drum major, Rachel Zhang.

"It was instinct," Zhang said. "I knew that whatever university I ended up at, I would research their marching band and join it. The combination of physical exertion, technical skills, and musicianship demonstrated in marching band is just incredible. It is such a wonderful community too. I have never met a person in band who did not add value to my life."

Zhang is a rising senior from Lafayette, Indiana. During her previous three seasons in the MMB, Zhang marched clarinet. At Michigan, she is studying biomedical engineering with a minor in music. In her free time, Zhang loves cooking and bread-making and frequently tries new recipes. 

"I was such an introvert as a kid," Zhang said. "I would hide behind my dad's leg when he would try to introduce me to new people, and growing up I would usually only have one or two close friends. Now, I try to imagine telling that kid, 'hey, when you're in college, you are going to be performing in front of thousands of people.' A part of me is still that little kid who is scared to be the center of attention, but at the same time I am thrilled to represent the band."

Zhang first auditioned for drum major her freshman year. Working alongside Zhang was rising senior Alexis Howard. This year, Howard and Zhang were the two finalists for drum major. 

"With each passing day of training, I realized that drum major was more of a mental role than a performative thing," Zhang said. "It really motivated me to keep training. During the shutdown, we did not have access to indoor facilities, so Lexi and I would train outside, doing backbends in the snow. That work not only translated into becoming a better marcher, but it helped me understand all that our leadership had to go through. If you take value in the hard work you have put in and the relationships you build, everything will be fine."

This upcoming season, the MMB will be celebrating its 125th anniversary and all the history it entails. 

"It feels like being a freshman again," Zhang said. "I have no idea what to expect with my first steps into the Big House. I'm also very excited for homecoming. We only understand a part of the significance of all the anniversaries that we are celebrating. We get to see all the alumni come back and share their experiences. For them, this is the continuation of their legacy and history in the making. It gives me chills."

Some of Zhang's favorite memories include the 42-27 victory over OSU and the Michigan victory in the Big Ten Championship at Lucas Oil stadium, where her high school band had won the state championship a few years prior. 

"Nothing prepares you for the energy inside the tunnel and nothing prepares you for the energy outside the tunnel," Zhang said. "But we find ways to support one another, from the very quick tap on the shoulder for good luck, to the man at the mouth of the tunnel yelling 'left left left.'"

As the fourth female drum major in MMB history, Zhang must also consider the significance of female leadership as the MMB embarks on its 50th anniversary of female marchers in the band. 

"I was recently in Boston for the Frozen Four trip with the hockey band and I spoke to some of the first few female marchers from the 70s," Zhang said. "It is amazing to see how far the band has come, not just in terms of equity, but in female leadership. There is a great representation of female leadership which I think is a fantastic show of how strong the women are in the band. The 'Leaders and the Best' encompasses every identity now, and there is no template for how that leader needs to look. I am the first out of state, female, short, queer, person of color up front."

As the new season begins for Band 125, the MMB prepares for another year of excellence, and a continuation of a legacy of victory. 


Student Spotlight: Rob duquette, trumpet


RACHEL ZHANG selected as drum major #57 of the Michigan Marching Band