The clarinet section is comprised of 36 members with 24 performance block spots, including four rank leaders and one section leader. Some adjectives to describe the clarinet section are “hardworking,” “supportive“ and “hilarious.”
As a member of the clarinet section, this "family" will provide a valuable support system throughout your college career, helping you adjust to life in Ann Arbor and create life-long friendships.
Prospective students are encouraged to reach out to their instrument’s section leader for the 2024-25 season to ask questions about auditioning or to learn more about their section and the ensemble. Please use the subject line “MMB Prospective Member Questions” when emailing section leaders.
Maja Pechanach - mmb.clarinets@umich.edu

part of band week?
Our favorite Band Week tradition is when we get Washtenaw Dairy after First Look. After such a stressful day, it's really nice to finally hang out as a section without a schedule to keep and enjoy a huge scoop of cold ice cream.
We have SRCs which stand for anything that can spell SRC (Sticks Restaurant Club, Sticks Review Cinema, etc). Anyone can spontaneously organize these events, it's just a great way to hang out outside of rehearsal. Most popular is Sticks Restaurant Club, we meet as a group to try out new restaurants around Ann Arbor.
pregame meal?
We all get excited about breakfast tailgate! It's the perfect way to prepare for pregame.
game day tradition?
My favorite game day tradition is messing with the clarinets who march on the back sideline. During our pregame sequencing, I pretend to stand in their way as they march off the field because you'd be surprised how many times we literally run into a ref, opposing coach, etc. - Rachel Zhang
My favorite section game day routine is the stick tailgate. All of the stick parents are so kind, and on noon game days, we have breakfast tailgate, which has a hash brown, sausage, and egg casserole that I haven't stopped thinking about since. - Belle Howard