The twirler section consists of 1-4 members, with one section leader. Being a twirler in the Michigan Marching Band is a unique experience, giving its members the opportunity to share their passion for baton twirling with many fans.
MMB twirlers are highly competitive in various twirling organizations and are encouraged to represent Michigan at the national level of collegiate competition.
“We love being with each other no matter what we are doing. Just being in each others presence, talking and laughing, are some of my fondest memories at Michigan. Whether we are getting coffee, dinner, or going on a fun adventure, I love hanging out with the other twirlers. We are competitive baton twirlers and compete year round, it is so fun to have people that are just as passionate as you to become the best twirler possible to practice with!”
— Ashley Sheil
Prospective students are welcome to reach out to their instrument’s section leader for the 2024-25 season to ask questions about auditioning or to learn more about their section and the ensemble. Please use the subject line “MMB Prospective Member Questions” when emailing section leaders.
Ella Dennis - mmb.twirlers@umich.edu

Pre-audition credentials can be submitted once the current band season ends. Twirlers are welcome to submit as soon as they hear back from University of Michigan admissions. Only twirlers who have been accepted to the university or those who are deferred and see Michigan as their top choice school will be considered.
Each twirler is asked to compile the following:
Unedited film(s) showcasing a variety of twirling abilities
Twirling resume
References either from a coach or high school band director (optional but recommended)
Pre-audition materials should be submitted to Dr. Pasquale (jdpas@umich.edu).
After all pre-audition materials have been reviewed, a live audition date will be set and only qualified individuals will be invited to join us on campus.
Our Twirler Challenge is my favorite band week tradition. We work hard all week to make up a routine that we ge to showcase to the band and staff. It is the most nerve wracking part of the week, but the feeling afterwards is so rewarding. Working hard together as a section to master our performance is such an incredible bonding experience!
Every night before game day we have a sleepover so that we can wake-up and get ready together. We always have the best laughs and memories from our night before game day sleepovers. The twirler section is family, and nothing beats game day morning all together!
We begin each rehearsal by stretching and warming up. During this time we are able to talk and catch up on each other’s lives!
Performing routines for each other is one of my favorite section rehearsal traditions. Cheering each other on, giving/receiving constrictive criticism allows us to grow as individuals and twirlers. We have so much fun when practicing together.