The Tenor section is one of the smallest in the band, but it gives the section so much value and character, and creates close friendships across the entire section. The tight-knit community provides a strong support system where everyone wants to help each other and be involved. It creates a fun and unique environment for all.
The Tenor section has two rank leaders and one section leader.
Prospective students are encouraged to reach out to their instrument’s section leader for the 2024-25 season to ask questions about auditioning or to learn more about their section and the ensemble. Please use the subject line “MMB Prospective Member Questions” when emailing section leaders.
Miguel Retto - mmb.tenors@umich.edu

“I couldn’t have asked for a better group of people to welcome me into this university. Truly don’t know what I’d do without them— they mean the world to me and really make UofM feel like home. I promise— joining will be the best thing you could’ve done in your college career!”
— Emma Davidson
WHAT IS THE Tenor SECTION’s favorite…
part of band week?
After first look we all go to Shake Shack to celebrate completing the first challenge.
rehearsal tradition?
After every practice, the tenors all race to the “10” on the field, get into a huddle, and bark 6 times and yell “TENORS” at the top of our lungs— great way to end every rehearsal!
pregame meal?
BTB is our favorite! We go there and grab burritos the night before almost every home game! After games, we like to grab bubble tea as well!
game day tradition?
Game day rank calls!!! Getting up very early for noon kick-offs is not always easy, but our section leader would always start the day off right by sending us all a HILARIOUS message in the morning in our group chat to wake us all up. I would look forward to that text every Saturday! - Emma Davidson