Business-Library Staff
The “B Staff” handles two main components of need for the MMB. The business element of this position attends to many of the daily logistical needs of the MMB. These include recording attendance, making sure the band roster information is complete, updating locker assignments, bus packets for all away trips, and maintaining the rehearsal hall scoreboard. They also copy and distribute the drill charts, forms, and itineraries used by the MMB. The library element is responsible for copying and distributing all sheet music along with replacing missing items (broken folder backs, windows, rings, and lost music). At the end of the season, they collect all traditional music and file it in the library. As new arrangements are added to the collection, they file parts and scores, update the computer files and keep master copies of each part. All athletic band music is maintained and copied by this staff.
Tyler Simpson Pouncéy (manager)
Sunita Asgaonkar
Juliette Johnson
Devdeep Rajpal

Tyler Simpson Pouncéy (manager)

Sunita Asgaonkar

Juliette Johnson

Devdeep Rajpal
Equipment Staff
The “E Staff” is responsible for all the uniforms, instruments, and equipment used by the band. They handle checkout, turn-in, maintenance, and inventory of University-owned instruments and uniform parts. They set up chairs for music rehearsals and take care of the day-to-day equipment, as well as making sure that everything is available and in the right place when needed. The E Staff also handles special needs such as overseeing the loading of the truck and plane with all necessary items for away trips and the bowl trip, building halftime show props, and acquiring instruments for the Alumni Band.
Calvin Gajda (manager)
Kata Bajcz
Christian Loredo-Duran
Liam Schaefer
LaNaysha Simms

Calvin Gajda (manager)

Kata Bajcz

Christian Loredo-Duran

Liam Schaefer

LaNaysha Simms
Marketing-Information Staff
The “MI Staff” promotes, protects, and propels the public image of the MMB. They create content for all social media platforms, produce professional videos, design graphics, analyze popular online trends, and determine the best way to keep the MMB current while maintaining our long history of excellence. The team is made up of a student manager, a graphics specialist, a journalist, a video producer, and content creators, all of whom report to the Digital Communications Manager, Izzi Jasperse-Cheng. MI Staff takes feedback directly from MMB members and staff to constantly improve our outward image and create engaging, crowd-pleasing content.
Isabelle Howard (manager, content creator)
Andrea Elsholz (journalist)
Sam Gomez (graphic designer)
Madeline Rosenbaum (video producer)
Matthew White (content creator)