All interested percussionists should contact Prof. Chuck Ricotta, Director of the Michigan Drumline, as soon as possible.
Final personnel regarding the Michigan Drumline will be determined before Band Week in August, but you can begin participating with prospective and returning members during Winter Semester Drum Tech rehearsals and spring/summer Drumline rehearsals.
Drum Tech
During Drum Tech rehearsals, you can begin participating with prospective and returning members of the Michigan Drumline. It is held from January through April and is intended for anyone auditioning for this season's drumline. Students are highly encouraged to participate in Drum Tech if they plan to audition. Please email Prof. Ricotta to be placed on the interest list for 2025.
University students may receive credit for Drum Tech. Incoming freshmen (current high school seniors) are welcome to attend. You should also have applied to the University of Michigan and have either been accepted or are waiting to hear back.
Drum Tech takes place every Monday evening during the Winter Semester, and rehearsals may be outdoors if weather permits. All drumline rehearsals are in accordance with the Ann Arbor City Noise Ordinance.
Drumline Summer Rehearsals
Drumline Summer Rehearsals are an important part of the preparation for the fall season. It is during these rehearsals that the majority of the music is learned.
Summer camp attendance is required for all members hoping to obtain a spot in the 2025 Michigan Drumline. Please email Prof. Chuck Ricotta ASAP if you have an unavoidable conflict.
Camp #1
Saturday, May 17 - 9am - 6pm
Sunday, May 18 - 10am - 1pm
Camp #2
Friday, July 18 - 6pm-9pm
Saturday, July 19 - 9am-6pm
Sunday, July 20 - 10am-1pm
Rehearsals may be outdoors if weather permits. All drumline rehearsals are in accordance with the Ann Arbor City Noise Ordinance.
Approximately two hours before the kickoff of a Michigan home game, crowds gather outside of Revelli Hall, the home of the Michigan Marching Band, to witness another great Michigan tradition: the Drumline Step Show (performance typically begins ninety minutes prior to kickoff). From the steps of the hall, the drumline performs pieces of their repertoire for the cheering crowd before marching to Michigan Stadium.
Membership in the Michigan Drumline is based on attitude, attendance, ability, and improvement. Most of the time, the students who make the most of Drum Tech, which begins in January, and the summer rehearsal sessions will be far more prepared when it comes time to set the line in mid-August. Regardless of when you begin the audition process (Drum Tech or summer rehearsals), your audition starts with an individual evaluation with instructor Chuck Ricotta.
You need not have an audition piece prepared, however as part of this evaluation, you will be asked to demonstrate various techniques such as legato strokes, accent/tap timing, double/triple beat, rolls, and flam rudiments while focusing on the quality of sound and rhythmic consistency. Students interested in bass drum and cymbals will be asked to demonstrate subdivision/timing exercises (i.e. clapping or playing on the beat, the "e" of the beat, the "and", and the "ah", etc.). This evaluation is NOT for acceptance to the drumline; it is simply a preliminary audition to best determine which section you are advised to audition for. From then on, your level of improvement from rehearsal to rehearsal is a major factor in determining your placement within the Michigan Drumline. The performance block for the season will be set during the first week of Band Week in mid-August.
The exercises and performance pieces we will be playing will be handed out during Drum Tech and summer rehearsals. If you cannot attend Drum Tech, email Chuck Ricotta so that you can have the music prepared when you arrive at the summer rehearsals.
Drum Tech is held from January through April and is intended for anyone who is auditioning for this season's Michigan Drumline. U-M students may receive credit by enrolling in ENS 348.004. Incoming Freshmen (current High School Seniors) are encouraged to email Chuck Ricotta for more information. You should also have applied to the University of Michigan and either have been accepted or are waiting to hear back.
Drum Tech meets Monday nights at Revelli Hall from 7:45 pm-9:45 pm, beginning January of each year.
The beginning of the term will be preliminary evaluations by appointment. Please schedule this by emailing Professor Ricotta.
You should bring a drum pad, sticks/mallets, any music we will be covering (in a three-ring binder), and a pencil.
If you are planning to attend, please contact instructor Chuck Ricotta to be put on the class email list.
For those that live out-of-state, please email Professor Ricotta for possible virtual options.
If you plan to audition for the drumline this year, please do consider attending Drum Tech. It is only to your benefit.
These summer camps are required for anyone interested in auditioning for the Michigan Drumline. It is during these rehearsals that the majority of the music is learned. All summer rehearsals take place at Revelli Hall.
Items to bring:
Three-ring binder for music
Drum pad (snares/tenors/basses only)
Water bottle
Bagged lunch (or money for lunch, many restaurants are located nearby)
You do not need to bring your own instrument.
During the marching band season (Fall term), the Drumline rehearses from 4:00 - 6:15 pm Monday through Friday. The Drumline also meets on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm for sectionals during a portion of the Fall. Saturday home football games are busy days for the Drumline. A typical game day in Ann Arbor is a twelve-hour commitment.
During the summer months, we have our summer rehearsal sessions. These are the only official meeting times during the summer until Band Week begins in mid-August. During the off-season (Winter term), the Drumline meets weekly on Monday nights from 7:45 - 9:45 pm at Revelli Hall. This class is called Drum Tech and it is offered for credit for University students.
Weather permitting, the Drumline rehearses in front of Revelli hall before joining the band at Elbel field, which is located at the corner of Division and Hill. Rehearsals are open to the public unless otherwise stated. There is bleacher seating available on the front sideline. Check the Michigan Marching Band Calendar for a detailed schedule of full band rehearsals.
Yes. You may attend summer rehearsals, however, only incoming freshmen to the University of Michigan may play on drums during rehearsal. Others must remain on a drum pad, but will still receive music and playing experience. It's recommended that you contact the instructor if you wish to attend. Contact Revelli Hall for more information.
The Drumline performs Stepshow before every home game. Beyond that, the Drumline is often asked to perform at athletic events, pep rallies, etc. The best way to keep up on the Drumline's performances is by following us on Instagram!
Prof. Chuck Ricotta is the Director of the Michigan Drumline. Timon Sherman is the Assistant Director.