Student Spotlight Andrea Elsholz Student Spotlight Andrea Elsholz

Student Spotlight: Delaney Cadman, Clarinet

On a hot August day, members of the MMB lay sprawled on the turf, chugging water and occupying every inch of shade the tower was able to give. For Delaney Cadman, this was familiar. Marching in eighty and ninety-degree heat was just like back home in California. It was the snow and twelve-degree windchill that were new.

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Student Spotlight Andrea Elsholz Student Spotlight Andrea Elsholz

Student Spotlight: Blake Brdak, Drum major

“Something I really appreciate about the MMB is that we put an emphasis on friendship and collaboration in leadership, and we build a community through that leadership. The leaders that have inspired me most are the ones that make me feel valued and who are genuinely friends with mee and tke the time to get to know me as a person. That’s what I want to do in my role: I want to be their friend and make their college experience great, like others did for me.”

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Student Spotlight Andrea Elsholz Student Spotlight Andrea Elsholz

Student Spotlight: Emily Zamora, Trumpet

“Getting to know the students was the best part,” Zamora said. “Learning about what made students click. And it showed up in their schoolwork. They were more confident in their work. We would adjust the curriculum to give the students a valuable learning experience that was on pace with them.”

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Student Spotlight Andrea Elsholz Student Spotlight Andrea Elsholz

Student Spotlight: Lindsay Adlhoch, Clarinet

"I have also become much more outgoing. I wouldn't do public speaking, and now I am giving speeches and talking to people. It's something I still struggle with but I've improved a lot because I have that community. I am TBS president. I am roommates with the KKPSI president. It's super awesome to have that tight-knit family that wants the best for the band and works really hard."

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Student Spotlight Andrea Elsholz Student Spotlight Andrea Elsholz

Student Spotlight: Amy Tan, Flag

It's 7am on a gameday Saturday in Ann Arbor. The city is woken up by echoes of The Victors; the band has taken the field. But even before a single note has been played, there is activity on Elbel. The Michigan flags have been hard at work since 6am. Among them is sophomore Amy Tan.

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