The horn section is comprised of 36 members with 12 performance block spots., including four rank leaders and one section leader.
As a member of the horn section, the horn section will provide a valuable support system throughout your college career, helping you adjust to life in Ann Arbor and create life-long friendships, while having fun and striving for success.
“The horn section will always have your back, no matter what. They will put aside their differences to take you in and be someone that you can always count on. They will always ensure that you are comfortable, but they will also encourage you to do your best and have loads of fun!” — Abby Dryer
Prospective students are encouraged to reach out to their instrument’s section leader for the 2024-25 season to ask questions about auditioning or to learn more about their section and the ensemble. Please use the subject line “MMB Prospective Member Questions” when emailing section leaders.
Eva Kubacki - mmb.horns@umich.edu

Our favorite Band Week tradition is on the evening of First Look. We dress up nicely, take photos on the diag, and head to Frita Batidos for dinner and Washtenaw Dairy for ice cream afterwords. It is a great way to celebrate an amazing band week with some of your closest friends!
Doing our "Nice Diag" chant in the tunnel before we take the field for pregame. The Horn side of the Diag will do this special chant, essentially manifesting a "very nice diag!"
We have either Nintendo Smash, JackBox, or Among Us game nights every so often. We also have an annual ski trip in the winter and a summer trip up north. We also play a fun game of nerf wars at the beginning of the calendar year before going to Pizza House, which is always really fun. We are also very athletic, having soccer, basketball, volleyball, and flag football teams.
Rainbow diag! We coordinate rainbow colors so that our diag during a pregame rehearsal looks amazing. We do horn formal, nurf wars, and an orchard trip every year. Horn formal is where we get dressed up (classy outfits) and hangout/socialize at one of our horn houses. We also go ice skating once in a while at Yost. It's all lighthearted fun that we take very seriously.