The Maize and Blue represents an athletic tradition unlike any other. Hand-in-hand with this tradition is that of the Michigan Marching Band (MMB) and the various athletic bands.
Beginning as an entirely student-run endeavor in 1896, the Michigan Marching Band has grown to be one of the nation’s very best collegiate performing ensembles, with a tradition of excellence spanning more than a century.
One of the “crown jewels” of the University of Michigan, the MMB serves as a group of musical ambassadors and our teams’ Number One fans, providing the musical spirit at countless Michigan athletic events and other performances.
The ideal group to represent the University, the MMB is an ensemble of the School of Music, Theatre & Dance. Over 400 strong, its members represent nearly every academic unit on campus and are involved in an amazing array of academic pursuits. The Marching Band provides an environment where students learn teamwork, time management, self-discipline and other important life-lessons that supplement those taught in the academic classroom.
The Elbel Club is dedicated to the ongoing improvement and strengthening of the Michigan Marching & Athletic Bands. Its members are friends, alumni and advocates of the University who recognize the value of the Marching Band experience and are essential to the program’s success.
Kimberly Baumgartner
Director of Development and Alumni Engagement
Kelly Bertoni
Annual Giving Officer
Mailing Address:
Revelli Hall
350 East Hoover Ave
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-3707
We encourage all friends and alumni of the MMB to make an annual gift to our friends group, The Elbel Club. Gifts of any amount are welcome and appreciated through the annual giving efforts. These gifts are combined with those from other donors to address the many needs of the Marching Band.
In any given year these needs may include scholarship support for MMB members, instrument purchases, funding for our Graduate Student Instructor positions and other needs that may arise. In addition to these activities, approximately 50% of the funds raised each year are added to the MMB’s endowments to provide long-term funding stability.
The greatest benefit from Elbel Club participation is the knowledge that your generous gift enhances the opportunities and experiences of the young men and women representing the University in the Michigan Marching Band.
To learn more, please reach out to Kelly Bertoni (kelberto@umich.edu)